Sank Sounds (Luke Sankey) (v1.6.6b)
Суть плагина такая же как и в PSICHOSOUNDS, но тут больше возможностей.
Пишем в чат слово и произносится звук.
- Luke Sankey -> original author
- HunteR -> modifications
mp_sank_sounds_download 1/0 - turn internal download system ВКЛ/ВЫКЛ (ХЗ как переводится)
mp_sank_sounds_freezetime <x> - x = сколько пройдет времени пока закграет хвук присоединения (в сек.)
mp_sank_sounds_obey_duration <x> - сколько звуков могут налаживатся (bit mask) (читаем readme.txt)
amx_sound 1/0 - Sank Sounds ВКЛ/ВЫКЛ плагин
amx_sound_help - показивать ли все звуки в консоле
amx_sound_play <dir/sound> - дериктория спец. звуков wav/mp3/speech
amx_sound_add <keyword> <dir/sound> - добавить звук /wav/mp3/speech
amx_sound_reload <filename> - перезагрузить snd-list.cfg или загрузить свой файл .cfg
amx_sound_remove <keyword> <dir/sound> - удалить звук /wav/mp3
amx_sound_write <filename> - сохранить настройки в .cfg файл
amx_sound_reset <player> - сбить щет звуков произносимых каждым юзером
amx_sound_debug - печатать дебаги (показывать ненайденые звуки в консоль)
amx_sound_ban <player> - запретить игроку произносить слова до смены карты
amx_sound_unban <player> - дать право игроку произносить слова (если бранее был забанен)
Настройки файла .cfg:
SND_WARN - колово звуков до того как будет показыватся предупреждение
SND_MAX - максимальное колово звуков
SND_MAX_DUR - The maximum amount of seconds a player can play sounds each map (float) (ХЗ как переводится)
SND_JOIN - звук когда игрок присоединился
SND_EXIT - заке еогда игрок отсоединился
SND_DELAY - Минимальная задержка между звуками (float)
SND_MODE XX - кто может произнести и слышать звук
(1 = мертвые могут проигрывать звуки
2 = живие могут проигрывать звуки
4 = мертвые могут слышить звуки
8 = живие могут слышить звуки
16 = живые и мертвые изолированы
32 = мертвые могут слышить звуки от живых ( если изолированы )
64 = живые могут слышить звуки от мертвых ( если изолированы ))
EXACT_MATCH 1/0 - Determinates if plugin triggers on exact match, or partial speech match (ХЗ как переводится)
ADMINS_ONLY 1/0 - если 1 только админ сможет проигрывать звук
DISPLAY_KEYWORDS 1/0 - показывать кто написал звук
Команды доступны для юзера:
amx_sound_help - все доступные звуки (напечатает в консоле)
say "/soundson" - включить звуки (ДЛЯ ТОГО КТО НАПИСАЛ)
say "/soundsoff" - выключить звуки (ДЛЯ ТОГО КТО НАПИСАЛ)
say "/sounds" - показать лист всех звуков
[b]v1.6.6b: (29.03.2009)[/b]
- fixed:
- runtime error
- if SND_JOIN or SND_JOIN was not at the beginning and more sounds were added afterwards, those new sounds overwrote previous sounds
[b] v1.6.6: (03.03.2009)[/b]
- fixed:
- last entry in configfile was not sorted
- runtime error with keywords without any sound
- exploit where SND_JOIN and SND_EXIT could be used as keywords
- changed:
- SND_JOIN and SND_JOIN do not have to be before any other keyword
[b] v1.6.5b: (22.01.2009)[/b]
- changed:
- removed warning for unsupported mp3s (they are supported)
[b] v1.6.5: (14.01.2009)[/b]
- fixed:
- wav detection for bad files
[b]v1.6.4: (21.12.2008)[/b]
- added:
- warning for unsupported mp3 files
- changed:
- mp3 detection code rewritten
[b] v1.6.3: (29.02.2008)[/b]
- fixed:
- runtime error if more sounds added than defined in MAX_KEYWORDS
- commenting SND_JOIN and SND_EXIT (adding # or // infront of them) made the following sounds to be added to these options
- changed:
- CVAR "mp_sank_sounds_obey_duration" is now a bitmask (see readme.txt)
[b] v1.6.2:[/b]
- fixed:
- removed debug message
- admins are not included in overlapping check anymore
- non admins could see sounds that are for admins only
- bug when adding and removing sounds ingame to list (wierd keywords and sounds)
- added:
- "PLAY_COUNT_KEY" and "PLAY_COUNT" to data structure to count how often a key and sound has been used
- messages for players when enabling/disabling sounds and if players have to wait cause of delay
- changed:
- sank sounds is now precaching sounds after plugin init (fakemeta modul needed)
- no more engine, but therefore fakemeta is needed
- minor code tweaks
[b] v1.6.0: (16.4.2007)[/b]
- fixed:
- speech sounds not being played
- join / exit sound duration was incorrect
- SND_WARN / SND_MAX error checking could display wrong error
- added:
- access can be defined for every sound and keyword seperately
- changed:
- partly rewritten
- way of saving data
- sounds when enabling and disabling Sank Sounds are not precached anymore ( hard coded )
- many code improvements
- fixed:
- sounds located in <MODDIR>/sounds/ (no subfolder) not being played if dead and alive not being splitted
- long lines not being parsed correctly
- players could play one more sound than allowed
[b] v1.5.5:[/b]
- fixed:
- error in mp3 calculation ( once again sad.gif )
- added:
- additional debug info for mp3's when compiled in DEGUB_MODE 1
[b] v1.5.4:[/b]
- fixed:
- error in mp3 calculation
- when using "mapnameonly" option, following options have been ignored
- added:
- minor detection for damaged/invalid files
- changed:
- both "SND-LIST.CFG" and "snd-list.cfg" will work now ( linux )
- code improvements
- faster config parsing/writing
[b] v1.5.3:[/b]
- fixed:
- admin being able to play sounds when "mp_sank_sounds_obey_duration" was on
- added:
- CVAR: "mp_sank_sounds_motd_address" to use a website to show all sounds ( empty cvar = no website will be used )
[b] v1.5.2:[/b]
- fixed:
- support for SND_DELAY was accidently removed
- some possible minor bugs
- added:
- SND_MAX_DUR: maximum of seconds a player can play sounds each map
- two new options for SND_MODE ( read help for more information )
[b] v1.5.1b:[/b]
- fixed:
- runtime error in mp3 calculation
[b] v1.5.1:[/b]
- fixed:
- calculation for MP3's encoded with MPEG 2
- added:
- saying "/soundlist" will now show sound list like "/sounds" does
- CVAR: "mp_sank_sounds_obey_duration" to determine if sounds may overlap or not ( default: 1 = do not overlap )
[b] v1.5.0b:[/b]
- fixed:
- rare runtime error
[b] v1.5.0: ( AmxModX 1.71 or better ONLY )[/b]
- fixed:
- sounds being not in a subfolder ( eg: sound/mysound.wav ) will now be played
- reconnecting to reset quota will not work anymore
- no more overlapping sounds ( Join and Exit sounds will still overlap other but others cannot overlap them )
- amx_sound_reset now accepts IDs too
- sound quota could be increased even if no sound was played
- added:
- sound duration is now calculated
- changed:
- SND_DELAY does not affect admins anymore
- SND_SPLIT has been replaced with more customizable SND_MODE
- removed support to disable MP3
[b] v1.4.7:[/b]
- fixed:
- keywords with admin and public sounds, could block normal players from playing normal sounds
- runtime error which could stop plugin to work
- message telling players to wait till next sound can be played is not displayed on every word anymore
[b] v1.4.5:[/b]
- fixed:
- ADMINS_ONLY was not working always
- players could only play less sound than specified in SND_MAX
- runtime error with amx_sound_reload
- added:
- sounds can now also be used in team chat
- amx_sound_unban to unban players
- changed:
- keyword check tweaked
- amx_sound_ban now do not expect additional parameter "on / off" or "1 / 0"
[b] v1.4.3:[/b]
- fixed:
- keywords without or with wrong files will not be added anymore
- possible errors fixed
- error with MOTD display fixed
[b] v1.4.2b:[/b]
- fixed:
- compile error when disabling mp3 support
[b] v1.4.2:[/b]
- fixed:
- players could be banned from sounds after reconnect
- added:
- option to include sounds from "half-life.gcf" and <current mod>.gcf
[b] v1.4.1:[/b]
- fixed:
- when setting DISPLAY_KEYWORDS to 0 chat was disabled
- added:
- option to load packages of sounds, packages cycle with each map-change (packages must be numbered)
- ability to ban people from using sounds (only for current map) ( amx_sound_ban <player> <1/0 OR on/off> )
- changed:
- precache method changed
- all keywords are now stored into buffer, even of those sounds that are not precached
- code improvements
[b] v1.3.7:[/b]
- added:
- "DISPLAY_KEYWORDS" to config, it determinates if keywords are shown in chat or not
- option to load specific sounds only on specific maps
- changed:
- "SND_DELAY" is now a float
[b] v1.3.5:[/b]
- added:
- with "/soundson" and "/soundsoff" each player can activate/deactivate the ability to hear sounds
[b] v1.3.4:[/b]
- fixed:
- error where some players could not hear any sound
- changed:
- some log messages got better checks
- reimplemented check for bots
[b] v1.3.3:[/b]
- added:
- cvar "mp_sank_sounds_freezetime" to define when first connect/disconnect sounds are played after mapchange (in seconds)
[b] v1.3.2:[/b]
- fixed:
- mp3 support not working
- changed:
- mp3 now dont need to be in sound folder but anywhere you want (anywhere in your mod folder though)
just specify the correct path (eg: music/mymusic/my.mp3 or sound/testmp3/test.mp3 or mainfolder.mp3)
- amx_sound_debug can now also be used if debug mode is off (this function prints the sound matrix)
[b] v1.3:[/b]
- fixed:
- fixed prob where strings were copied into other strings with no size match
- removed bot detection (maybe this was causing some problems, playing sounds to bots does not do any harm)
- admin sounds could not be played (eg: hallo; misc/hi.wav;@misc/hi2.wav -> hi2.wav was not played, even by admins)
- added:
- type "/sounds" in chat to get a MOTD window with all sounds available (not all mods support MOTD window)
- ability for speech sounds (like the AmxModX's speechmenu)
- admin check to "amx_sound_debug" so in debugmode only admins can use it
- list is now sorted by name for more readable output (sort by Bailopan) (sort can be turned off by define)
[b] v1.2.5:[/b]
- added a cvar to enable or disable auto download (change will take place after restart/mapchange)
[b] v 1.2.4 :[/b]
- added mp3 support (they have to be in <Mod-Dir>/sound too) (engine module needed therefore) (+ hotfix: wavs not being played)
- changed the way of initializing each sound file (if bad file it wont be loaded and error msg will be printed)
- changed SND_KICK to SND_MAX
- increased default defines ( words: 40 - > 80 / each wavs: 10 -> 14 / file chars: 30 -> 60 )
- fixed bug for 32 players
- increased memory usage for variables to 64K (should fix probs)
- while parsing there is now a check if file exists (if not it wont be put in list)
[b] v1.1.3 :[/b]
- fixed bug with spaces between keywords and wavs
- multiple Join and Exit sounds can now be used
- fixed bug where connect and disconnect sound have not been played
- fixed bug where dead players could not hear sounds
- added bot check
- added option to only allow admins to play sounds
[b] v1.0.2 (original 4.1 but this is AmxModX) (port to Amx Mod X by White Panther):[/b]
- initial release for AmxModX
- renamed commands to fit with AmxModX
- Admin sounds cannot be seen by normal people when using amx_sound_help
- sounds are precached from file
- fix: check if soundfile exist before precache (that should solve some probs)
- fix: if chat message was longer than 29 chars the first wav in cfg was played
1. Файл (snd_list.cfg) в папку "addons/amxmodx/configs".
2. Файл (.sma) в папку "addons/amxmodx/configs/scripting".
3. Файл (.amxx) в папку "addons/amxmodx/plugins".
Пример добавления звуков в snd-list.cfg:
1. Открываем блокнотом snd-list.cfg
2.И правим как вы захотите.
# Word/Wav combinations:
crap; misc/awwcrap.Wav;misc/awwcrap2.wav
woohoo; misc/woohoo.wav
haha; misc/haha.wav
doh; misc/doh.wav;misc/doh2.wav;@misc/doh3.wav
mp3; sound/mymp3.mp3;music/mymp3s/number2.mp3;mainfolder.mp3
target; "target destroyed" - (звуки из хл)(по пути "valve\sound\vox")(можно сделать свою комбинацию)